Market and consumers needs do not always go hand in hand with those of the planet.
Our mission is to work to overlap the two trajectories.
The coffee demand around the world is growing exponentially lately.
That’s why it is important to combine the demand with a right management of production processes and the right attention to the choice of raw materials.
We think that this kind of attitude can reward from many points of view.
This leads us to always seek the latest news in terms of packaging, allowing us to always be at the forefront.

Organic products
Aware of the importance of sustainable production,
ours range of organic products will keep growing.

The packaging is part of the
sustainability of a product
The self-protected barrier capsules avoid further external packaging.
A paper carton contains them.
The capsules can be disposed on the right recyclable bin waste,
while the outer paper pack can be recycled as paper (PAP 21).
For the printing of the boxes, we use vegetable inks.

Compostable capsules
we have been at the forefront to start with 100% compostable and biodegradable capsules.
Compostable capsules can be recycled into the organic waste.
They are made with vegetable plastics and produced with renewable energy.
A cycle that reduces our impact on the environment. A product that originated from the earth, returns to the earth
as a fertilizer, to regrow as a plant.

Aluminium capsules: heading
to a plastic free world
Last arrived in the Must family, is the new aluminium capsule.
Consumers choose it for its perfect extraction that gives to the coffee a soft and creamy texture.
The decision to go towards total replacing of the plastic led us to choose aluminum, 100% recyclable material
and for infinite times. Potentially it may no longer be produced but continuously recycled to create new products.